Our Pedagogy

A way of learning that supports every childs way of learning

When designing a learning experience at Alordhara School, we start with any of the three elements, but make complete use of all three:

    • Head: cognitive understanding, critical thinking; learning through readings, lecture, discussion, etc.
    • Hand: psychomotor, practice, learning by doing, getting a feel for how things actually work
    • Heart: affective/emotive, caring about the results, valuing the outcome, feeling that the process and goals are important, experiencing a personal connection

Why the three together:

effective teaching through engaging students’ heads will produce knowledge, but unless students put their learning into practice, they won’t fully understand what they have learned, and won’t know how to apply it. They will only make the effort to fully understand and put into practice what they learned if they feel that it is truly important to them and something that they care about. In addition, as an ingredient we add Values and Health to prepare the Generation Next.

We confirm each child with attention, appreciation and sensitivity. We stay close to the children and look at the world from their perspective. We encourage eye contact and closeness.

  • The curriculum will encourage all pupils to understand, be interested in and show respect to others, whilst also developing their own self esteem.
  • The curriculum will enable pupils to become literate and numerate, having confidence when communicating, working with and responding to others.
  • The curriculum will enable pupils to develop analytical problem solving skills.
  • The curriculum will develop independence in our pupils enabling them to make healthy, safe life choices for themselves and others.

Our values determine our commitments

1. Maintaining Alordhara as an exceptional school by

  • Having the highest expectations of all aspects of school life including academic, performance in the arts and behaviour, and sporting achievement.
  • Providing a creative and inspiring skills based curriculum that is relevant to the 21st Century and underpinned by effective , on-going Assessment for Learning
  • Developing well rounded, engaged and motivated pupils who take ownership of their learning; have appropriate expectations of behaviour and respect; and feel able to contribute to all aspects of school life.

2. Providing a culturally diverse school where the Arts and Sports are recognised and valued alongside academic attainment

  • Alordhara has a reputation for a strong academic success and cultural richness which we wish to maintain.
  • We will enable children to express their individuality through the provision of a broad range of opportunities across, the arts, music and sport.
  • We will expose our pupils to a range of experiences to prepare them for the modern world encouraging them to bring their own knowledge, skills and beliefs into the learning environment

3. Focussing on Teaching Skills and Staff Development

  • Providing a depth and breadth of professional development which responds to individual ambitions and needs
  • Being recognised as a school of choice by staff due to support for development of skills

4. Prepare todays children’s for tomorrows world

  • Teach children to be independent learners who are emotionally resilient and adaptive to change
  • Continue to improve quality of ICT provision
  • Anticipate and adapt our teaching and learning to reflect the evolution of the digital world

Our policy states that

  • All children, staff and visitors have the right to feel safe at all times at school.
  • Alordhara is an inclusive school. All members of the school community should be free from discrimination of any sort. Measures to protect children should be set out in the Behaviour and Equality policies.
  • The school rules should be clearly set out in the Behaviour Policy and displayed around school. The Alordhara School Authority expect these rules to be consistently applied by all staff.
  • The Alordhara School Authority would like to see rewards, consistently and fairly applied in such a way as to encourage and reward good behaviour around school.
  • Sanctions for unacceptable/poor behaviour should be known and understood by all staff and pupils parents and consistently applied.
  • The Alordhara School Authority strongly feel, that exclusions, particularly those that are perm anent, must only be used as the very last resort.
  • The Alordhara School Authority expect pupils and parents to cooperate to maintain an orderly climate for learning.
  • The Alordhara School Authority wishes to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse towards the students and school’s staff will not be tolerated.

To ensure Joyful Learning Environment, we ensure

  • Establish and maintain an ethos and culture where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened and responded to when they have a worry or concern.
  • Establish and maintain an ethos and culture where school staff feel safe, are encouraged to talk and are listened and responded to when they have concerns about the safety and well-being of a child
  • Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.
  • Ensure that children, who have special needs are supported appropriately. This could include referral to early help services if they are a child in need or have been / are at risk of being abused and neglected.
  • Consider how children may be taught about safeguarding, including digital media, through teaching and learning opportunities, as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Staff members working with children are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ and ‘it could be happening to this child’, where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members should always act in the interests of the child.

Our equality vision and the values that underpin school life through

  • Alordhara is a school where everyone matters. We believe that every member of our learning community–whether adult or child –should feel that they are important and valued. We believe that schools should be inclusive communities that welcome and celebrate differences. Full and meaningful partnership with parents –and the local community leaders–is also valued.
  • We believe that every child is entitled to a first-class education. Schools should be exciting and stimulating; children must feel secure and well-cared for in order to learn effectively.
  • We take a holistic view of children’s development, focusing on the whole child. It is our duty to support and promote children’s social, emotional and physical development. We believe that it is our duty to actively promote health, fitness and personal safety. Respect the equal human rights of all our pupils and to educate them about equality
  • Work to promote positive attitudes to disability by enabling all people involved in the school community to contribute to and gain full access to all activities
  • Create an environment where respect and harmony mean that all pupils are able to reach their full potential.
  • Promote gender equality in all aspects of school life by challenging stereotypes, achievement gaps and self-limiting aspirations.
  • Take account of difference and help to overcome any barriers to learning in order to promote achievement and fulfilment in all our pupils
  • Respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the community
  • In particular we will comply with relevant legislation and frame and implement school policies and plans in relation to religious equality, disability equality, gender equality and community cohesion.

As children grow, their emotional, intellectual, and social needs do too. Alordhara School employs the counselors to play an active part in helping individuals to develop healthy relationships with their peers, cope with academic challenges, and create a resilient sense of self during this critical developmental period. Our counselors are trained educators with an additional focus on mental health and development.

The dramatic increase in the prevalence of problem behaviors during adolescence is a concern for us. Within this context, adolescent problem behavior can be seen in part as the failure of schools to capture students’ sense of social affiliation and provide educational experiences and a social context within which adolescents can develop social competence. Alordhara School substantially devoted to address the issue in the Secondary classes. The school is the primary institution outside the family within which the development of adolescents can be directed and shaped. Keeping this in mind, we provide special attention to our students and organize workshops for the students and parents with the national experts on the issue.

Main Office:

House 31, Road 9, Sector 13,
Uttara Model Town
Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh

Campus Location:

House 31, Road 9, Sector 13,
Uttara Model Town
Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh